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Fenugreek seeds reduce fever

Posted by healthandsoul Friday, May 14, 2010

Generally, people neglect low grade fever saying that they are result of excessive stress. But this can lead in severe complication in further diagnosis. People suffering from regular fever should have proper check up, as they might end up in detecting with severe infections. These infections invite numerous ailments that destroy the sound health of body. Thus, whenever you feel increase in body temperature, go for proper treatment to bring down the level of fever.

Our body does react naturally as; it is affected with any harmful bacteria or virus. The attack of any bacteria or virus is defended by our immune system. This action scenario between virus and cells of immune system is indicated by high temperature in the body. As our body fights with these germs, the temperature of body increases above normal temperature. Many times when our body suffers from respiratory infection our body fights with these bacteria that damages numerous system of the body.

Even when we suffer from common cold, our body shows slight fever as; they are busy fighting with several germs and bacteria. These bacteria are responsible in destroying the harmony of body, thus immune system sends its cells to kill all these germs and bacteria. But usually due to lack of energy and water in the body, these dead cells get deposited in our body. The deposition of dead cells in the body is definitely not good sign for our body. According to the medical terms, fever is explained as rigorous fight of bacteria with immune system. An individual is said to have fever, when the temperature of body raises above 98 deg. The change in temperature will last for three to four days. But in these days, our body loses lot of energy as well as nutrients from the body. Apart from we need to flush out deposition of dead bacteria from the body.

These dead cells can be removed out from the body by consuming ample amount of healthy fluids. Your doctor will suggest you with ample of medication that will help in lowering down the increased temperature. These medications will cure fever, but they are unable to restore your health. As we mentioned earlier that fever is a condition where your body fights with bacteria, it looses lots of energy from the body. Thus, increase extreme weakness and tiredness in the body. You need to compensate sufficient amount of energy to stay healthy and fit.

Thus, cure your fever with the help of natural remedies. These natural remedies will provide you with sufficient amount of energy and vitality. One such herb is fenugreek seeds that are beneficial in lowering down the body temperature. Boil some amount of fenugreek seeds in water. Drain the mixture and add two teaspoonful of honey to the mixture. Drink this fenugreek herbal tea for three times in a day. Fenigreek seeds contain good amount of nutrition and vitamins, which restores your health. Thus you may consume tea made from fenugreek seeds in order to cure fever in natural ways.

Here is good source health related article about Left Brain Right Brain

1 Responses to Fenugreek seeds reduce fever

  1. MAry Brown Says:
  2. It looks really amazing!! I have to try it!! Thanks for sharing :-)
    sesame seeds
    fennel seeds


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