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Fenugreek seeds reduce fever

Posted by healthandsoul Friday, May 14, 2010 1 comments

Generally, people neglect low grade fever saying that they are result of excessive stress. But this can lead in severe complication in further diagnosis. People suffering from regular fever should have proper check up, as they might end up in detecting with severe infections. These infections invite numerous ailments that destroy the sound health of body. Thus, whenever you feel increase in body temperature, go for proper treatment to bring down the level of fever.

Our body does react naturally as; it is affected with any harmful bacteria or virus. The attack of any bacteria or virus is defended by our immune system. This action scenario between virus and cells of immune system is indicated by high temperature in the body. As our body fights with these germs, the temperature of body increases above normal temperature. Many times when our body suffers from respiratory infection our body fights with these bacteria that damages numerous system of the body.

Even when we suffer from common cold, our body shows slight fever as; they are busy fighting with several germs and bacteria. These bacteria are responsible in destroying the harmony of body, thus immune system sends its cells to kill all these germs and bacteria. But usually due to lack of energy and water in the body, these dead cells get deposited in our body. The deposition of dead cells in the body is definitely not good sign for our body. According to the medical terms, fever is explained as rigorous fight of bacteria with immune system. An individual is said to have fever, when the temperature of body raises above 98 deg. The change in temperature will last for three to four days. But in these days, our body loses lot of energy as well as nutrients from the body. Apart from we need to flush out deposition of dead bacteria from the body.

These dead cells can be removed out from the body by consuming ample amount of healthy fluids. Your doctor will suggest you with ample of medication that will help in lowering down the increased temperature. These medications will cure fever, but they are unable to restore your health. As we mentioned earlier that fever is a condition where your body fights with bacteria, it looses lots of energy from the body. Thus, increase extreme weakness and tiredness in the body. You need to compensate sufficient amount of energy to stay healthy and fit.

Thus, cure your fever with the help of natural remedies. These natural remedies will provide you with sufficient amount of energy and vitality. One such herb is fenugreek seeds that are beneficial in lowering down the body temperature. Boil some amount of fenugreek seeds in water. Drain the mixture and add two teaspoonful of honey to the mixture. Drink this fenugreek herbal tea for three times in a day. Fenigreek seeds contain good amount of nutrition and vitamins, which restores your health. Thus you may consume tea made from fenugreek seeds in order to cure fever in natural ways.

Here is good source health related article about Left Brain Right Brain

Fenugreek: Useful to treat many health problems

Posted by healthandsoul Wednesday, May 12, 2010 0 comments

Fenugreek, a plant that is recognized in the family Fabaceae is used both as herb, which is the leaves and also as spice that is the seed. Fenugreek is cultivated in the entire world as a semi-arid crop and is used commonly while making curry.

India, Pakistan, Egypt, Spain, Argentina, France, Turkey, China, and Morocco are the major countries that produce fenugreek. Out of all the countries in the world, India is the largest producer in the entire world in producing fenugreek. Some 80 percent of fenugreek output comes from the Indian state called Rajasthan where the Hindi name for fenugreek is Methi. Fenugreek is considered as among the oldest medicinal herbs in the world that has a number of uses, comprising the rising production of breastmilk.

Apart from the plant, fenugreek is the small stony seeds produced from the pod of a bean like plant. The seeds are basically hard and its color is yellowish brown. Its flavor is powerful, aromatic and bittersweet that tastes like burnt sugar. Fenugreek could be found growing at the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea as well. The seeds of fenugreek are roasted so that it could be used as a flavor in curry. Its seeds are also soaked and then powered that are further used to make lip balm and tonic.

Fenugreek seeds are also used to make tea that reduces fever as well as menstrual pains. Fenugreek seeds are also used in ointment that treats skin infections. Well, fenugreek seeds have many different uses that treat as a cure for many symptoms. Fenugreek seeds are used to boost the libido in men and it also serves as an aphrodisiac. The ground seeds of fenugreek are frequently used to provide a maple flavor to sweets and candies. The ground seeds are also used to add flavor in other things like the cattle food, counting the other various vegetable meals and hays.

The leaves of fenugreek are normally high in iron. So to gain iron, you can have the fenugreek leaves by using it in salads. Fenugreek is very important that helps treat bronchitis, coughs, respiratory problems, sinus situations and also to rise milk supply. Centuries earlier, fenugreek was used for medicinal and culinary purposes by the Egyptians, Greeks, and the Romans. It was also claimed that fenugreek is among the major ingredients that was well known during the 19th century as cure all for female complaints.

Actually, the fenugreek seeds have hormone precursors, which increase the supply of milk. Once fenugreek is consumed, it could increase the milk supply of a nursing mother within 24 hours to 72 hours. Many women even consume fenugreek in a pill form that could be found in vitamin and nutrition stores, and in other stores. You can take fenugreek as tea form as well, which is supposed to be less powerful than the pills.

Recent studies show that fenugreek helps to lower the blood glucose level and also the cholesterol level, which perhaps an efficient treatment for type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Here is good source health related article about Fenugreek Seeds