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Yoga Poses

Posted by healthandsoul Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Asana means posture. However, the literal meaning is ‘seat’. Previously, asanas were the stable postures for long periods of meditation. They were more than merely stretching exercises. Asanas laid greater emphasis on the energy centers, chakras, and psychic centers of the body. With different yoga poses, the body is strengthened and the mind is able to focus. Of the eight limbs of classical yoga, asana is one.

Asanas should be comfortable as well as firm. During a yoga pose, it is important to breathe slowly and deeply. Dirga or Ujjiayi Pranayama can be used at this stage. Stretch your body to the maximum during these yoga poses. However, do not overstretch as this could lean to pain and injury.

The benefits of yoga poses are numerous as more and more people practice it. Besides yoga poses, breathing exercises or pranayama, meditation, and chanting are equally beneficial. Learning yoga will help you get acquainted with terms such as mudras, bandhas, and chakras. Yoga can be fun and relaxing at the same time.

This 5000-year-old practice is beneficial for the mind, body, and spirit. Energize your body by stretching and relaxing. Happiness and feelings of bliss increase with the practice of yoga. You will feel the energy pulsating through your body.

Yoga does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, caste, creed, or religion. It is suitable for everyone, with umpteen benefits. The following are some of the benefits of yoga:

• Eliminates stress and induces relaxation
• Increases physical strength, stamina and flexibility
• Improves concentration and self-control
• Controls impulsive behavior
• Helps in the rehabilitation of diseases
• Maintains clarity of the mind
• Increases tolerance to pain
• Improves functioning of the immune system
• Helps in posture and toning of muscles
• Improves the circulation of blood
• Helps to attain glowing skin
• Ensures peace of mind
• Inculcates a positive outlook toward life
• Creates a sense of balance and harmony

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